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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daily Lily - Feb. 23

Dear Grandpa and Grandma,

Thank you for the lovely card. It really brightened my day. I am so happy that you are feeling better and that things are on the up and up. Life around here has been REALLY BUSY. I am getting ready for preschool (starting in August) and have been visiting my class once a week. I have also been quite sick recently. My friends just keep sharing their germs with me, but my immune system is getting stronger and stronger. Of course all this sickness has had mom and dad on their toes and they have not had a whole lot of time to do anything except care for me. My doctor says that I should get plenty of vitamin D, which is fine with me because I LOVE being outside! The weather has been beautiful here! I love to run, collect leaves, pick up sticks and observe bugs.
I love and miss you both so much and cannot wait to come visit you again very soon.

Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Lily Grace

PS: Here are some pictures of me at the park wearing the new shirt Mama knitted for me.

I got my new cookie monster plush toy for being a brave girl at my last check up. I love him and I have been taking him EVERYWHERE with me.

The swings are my favorite...

I love the play structure too. Mama thinks I am a little TOO brave on it though...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Daily Lily - Feb. 2

Today it was 76 degrees, sunny, with a light breeze.
Perfect weather on the second day of Februrary. FEBRURARY!!

So, the old ground rat, Phil, said there is going to be 6 more weeks of winter...

Beautiful, sunny mid 70 degree

Play in the park, collect leaves in the yard type days...

cool, cuddly, hot chocolate, footie pajamas type nights...6 more weeks....

I think I can handle that. :-)