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Monday, January 24, 2011

Mom - Month 6

I have been a mother for 6 months now and I have to say....I am having a great time! I have learned SO MUCH in such a short time and I look forward to learning even more.

Here are some random bullets about being a mom for 6 months:

- Lily is getting SO BIG. When people say "it goes by so fast." They are NOT LYING! I feel like it was just yesterday she was like 6lb little bundle and now she is 14.8 pounds and 27 inches long.

-Lily is 38th percentile in weight and 90th percentile in height...long and lean. It is hard to find normal pants these days...

-lily can sit up by herself and can roll over with no problems.

-I am still exclusively breastfeeding and Lily eats every 3 to 4 hours, most days. It has had it's ups and downs at this point, but it is still super easy and rewarding. My doctor and lactation consultant are very proud of me. :-)

- Lily has tried a couple of foods , but is NO WHERE NEAR having meals yet. So far she has had cooked carrots, bread, oatmeal,sweet potatoe and banana. She HATES the baby oatmeal and was super offended by the taste. Her favorites right now are cooked carrots. I cook them here at home until they are mushy and mix them with a little breast milk. She loves it. I have only given her pinches of bread, but she seems to like it too..although, I am not ready to feed her too much of it yet.

-Lily can now drink from a soft-spout sippy cup. She drinks water from it really well, but is a bit skeptical of milk out of takes her about an hour to drink 4oz of milk from the sippy. She just prefers to nurse. She STILL will not take a bottle at all. She also will not take a pacifier, but now that she is teething she will gladly chew on it.

-I am still cloth diapering her round the clock now and it is also super easy and I love it. I have meet so many people in the cloth diapering community and have made so many friends. I use the old school flat diapers, prefolds, fitteds and the newer kinds of pocket and all in one diapers. We also use a lot of will notice Lily wears a lot of hand knitted wool pants. Not only do they keep her warm, but they work as a diaper cover as wool is water resistant and antimicrobial. I am very proud of myself for sticking with many people said I would stop within a few weeks..

-Jeff is still gone, but will be home in 2 weeks!!! I am beyond excited and ready for our little family to be together again.

-I feel so blessed.


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