I went to the doctor today for my 5 month check up!
First I had to take off my clothes and get up on the big table so that the nurse could measure me.

Then they took me to another table and the nurse weighed me.

I am 14.8lbs and 27inches long!!!! WHOA! I am growing so much! I am 38th percentile in weight and 90th percentile in height...for those who don't know that means I weigh more then 38 percent of children my age who were born the same weight as me and 90 percent taller then children my age who were the same weight as me at birth.
Dr. Grooms was REALLY surprised and pleased at how much I have grown. :-)

I got two shots too...no pictures of that nonsense, but I only cried a little bit this time...
Here I am dressed and ready to go. Just like nothing happened..

my doctor visit was not too bad, but boy was I happy to get home to my toys!

Please excuse the gigantic diaper....we are in between sizes right now...too long for a size small, but too skinny for MOST mediums. :-/