I have been a Momma for 2 months now. YAY! I have managed to keep Lily healthy and thriving for 2 whole months. Time has FLOWN by....here are some bullets for ya.
- Lily is sooooooooo beautiful. She smiles all the time. Follows me with her eyes around the room. Smiles real big when she sees my face when she wakes up. She is just a little JOY!
- We went on our first family "vacation" to Biloxi, MS. Actually, Jeff had training at Keesler AFB and Lily and I tagged along. It was nice to get OUT of the house and just relax. The only thing I had to worry about was taking care of Lily. It was devine.
- Our bubble was quickly burst when Jeff got a phone call on our way back.....he is leaving in about three weeks to be gone for three months...yep...he will miss our anniversary, halloween, his birthday, Thanksgiving and maybe Christmas. Back to the middle east. UGH!
- Lily officially hates her car seat...I suspect this has to do with us being in the car so much in Biloxi.
- We now have a loose schedule!!! YAY! The daytime is pretty set...morning nap, afternoon nap, LATE afternoon nap, then bath, boob and bed. Bedtime is still pretty hectic. She still wakes up at around 2am, then again at around 6am....this is fine except she is hard to get settled back down to bed after the 2am feeding....
- We are doing our first family photoshoot this weekend. I am nervous about how I look. I am even MORE nervous about how Lily will act...she is a great baby, but you NEVER know what kind of mood she is going to be in..
- Breastfeeding is still going well. Lily's reflux is still REALLY bad some days...but there are other days where you would NEVER know she even had it...
- She is still eating every 2hrs...She comfort nurses a lot too..but I try to limit that....well, the best I can.
- I am happy with life right now...although I am DEVASTATED about Jeff leaving. Lily and I will make it through.
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