So, with Jeff leaving I have decided to make this blog a picture of Lily everyday. it will be quite a project, but it is so that Jeff can see his child everyday even when he is gone. It is also for the viewing pleasure of the grandparents...and you my lovely readers. Stay tuned....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Momma: Month 2

I have been a Momma for 2 months now. YAY! I have managed to keep Lily healthy and thriving for 2 whole months. Time has FLOWN are some bullets for ya.
- Lily is sooooooooo beautiful. She smiles all the time. Follows me with her eyes around the room. Smiles real big when she sees my face when she wakes up. She is just a little JOY!
- We went on our first family "vacation" to Biloxi, MS. Actually, Jeff had training at Keesler AFB and Lily and I tagged along. It was nice to get OUT of the house and just relax. The only thing I had to worry about was taking care of Lily. It was devine.
- Our bubble was quickly burst when Jeff got a phone call on our way back.....he is leaving in about three weeks to be gone for three months...yep...he will miss our anniversary, halloween, his birthday, Thanksgiving and maybe Christmas. Back to the middle east. UGH!
- Lily officially hates her car seat...I suspect this has to do with us being in the car so much in Biloxi.
- We now have a loose schedule!!! YAY! The daytime is pretty set...morning nap, afternoon nap, LATE afternoon nap, then bath, boob and bed. Bedtime is still pretty hectic. She still wakes up at around 2am, then again at around 6am....this is fine except she is hard to get settled back down to bed after the 2am feeding....
- We are doing our first family photoshoot this weekend. I am nervous about how I look. I am even MORE nervous about how Lily will act...she is a great baby, but you NEVER know what kind of mood she is going to be in..
- Breastfeeding is still going well. Lily's reflux is still REALLY bad some days...but there are other days where you would NEVER know she even had it...
- She is still eating every 2hrs...She comfort nurses a lot too..but I try to limit that....well, the best I can.
- I am happy with life right now...although I am DEVASTATED about Jeff leaving. Lily and I will make it through.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Mom - Month One
So, I have been a Mama for a month now and I have a few things to say about what has been going on. You know how I do things... random BULLET STYLE! LOL.
- After the first two weeks, I came down from cloud 9 and reality hit. I am home all day with a baby and I have little to no other human contact.
- Lily has reflux...some days it is mild, some days it is SEVERE. On the days it is severe, I am literally in the house in just my underwear because otherwise I would be changing clothes every hour. I am COVERED in barf on those days. She is on medication now.
- The only thing that has prevented me from having severe postpartem depression is getting out of bed everyday, getting a shower and putting REAL clothes on. That tiny slice of normalicy has saved my sanity.
-It is hard to make anyone understand what it is like being home with the baby all day. Especially, Jeff. He gets home from work and needs 45 mins to just wind down....but when he gets home from work *I* need that adult interaction and I am usually just a flood of useless chatter...I mean really, my day consist of shit and barf...not very riveting, yet I am such an IDIOT I feel compelled to talk about it..because it is the only thing I HAVE to talk about these days. I usually just end up irritating him with my mundane chatter and ruining the evening. I don't. know. How. to fix. This....
-When you are home all day with a crying baby, you don't have the patience in the evening to hear her cry MORE while someone else is learning to soothe her. 12 times out of 20, I know exactly what is wrong with her and can get her to stop crying immediately. This of course is a problem. But to be brutally honest, it is not giving mommy a break if the baby is sitting there crying. It is now second nature for me to want to soothe the baby...
- When the baby cries, I leak breastmilk. I am wet all. day. long. Breastpads are pretty much useless.
- I have a MASSIVE over supply of milk. This is a blessing and a curse.
- I hold the baby. A LOT. This is a problem. To everyone, except me. I think one has to understand that I carried her in my BODY for 9 mos...I KNEW she was ok, I KNEW she was alive. Now that she is out, it is hard for me to let her go.
- My "Mama Bear" instinct is STRONG. It arrived about week 1. NEVER have I felt so protective over ANYTHING in my life. I am literally on EDGE when other folks are holding her.
- I joined a Mommy and Me class. It's pretty corny, but it gets me and Lily out of the house and I can interact with other moms...With that being said, I have very little in common with the other moms in the class.
- I have lost a good amount of baby weight. I attribute it to three things: Breastfeeding, forgetting to eat most days and staying active. With that being said, I have 15-20lb to lose until I feel comfortable with my body again. It has completely changed shape..
- Lily lost all of her newborn hair. I was pretty sad, but she is still SOO beautiful. :-)
-She has green/brown eyes. I adore looking into them.
- Lily has a smile that melts my heart and she does it often.
- She gets lots of attention when we are out and about because she is so TINY!
- I love being Lily's mother.
- I am still waiting for life to balance itself out though.....
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