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Thursday, June 10, 2010

34 weeks let the countdown begin...

So, we made it 34 weeks. PRAISE GOD! I honestly feel crazy at this point. It is the middle of the summer here in Carolina so you can GUESS how I feel. I am still trying to stay active and still keeping my body and mind busy. Although, the swelling in my feet, ankles and legs has prevented me from doing my usual walks. I have gone from walking everyday, to every other day, to twice a week and now I walk once a week, but sometimes not even that. Anyway...I will make some bullets about this point in the pregnancy.

- I am now at the heaviest I have EVER been in my life. I feel EVERY pound of it. Although, this week I seem to be losing weight, which is strange.

- The baby is now in the head down position. I think I felt when she was a night of the baby being very restless and me being very uncomfortable. I could be wrong, but I swear I felt it. I definately LOOK like she is sitting VERY low and sometimes I feel her head on my bladder. Interesting feeling I can tell you that much.

- Emotionally, I am a roller coaster. Sometimes, the things people say REALLY get to me and what people think of me really gets to me. I know that I should not worry about what people say. Jeff tells me this TIME AND TIME AGAIN, but what I don't think he or anyone else understands is that the way people treat me and what they think about me will be projected to the baby. I am her example as a woman and if she sees people treating me as if I am dumb or with little respect, what kind of example am I for her? I also hate being just gets under my skin. I think it is because I can spot it a mile away...I am ALSO hella paranoid about what people are saying about me behind my back. I NEVER cared about this before, because I always felt that who I am in person would IMMEDIATELY squash anything negative someone has said about me, but right now, it is REALLY affecting me and I almost feel like I can feel them whispering....I feel crazy. I really do.

- Jeff is still away, but only 3 more weeks until he is home. I CANNOT WAIT. I feel like he has missed SO MUCH, but in reality he has been here for a GREAT chunk of the pregnancy. My doctor always tells me that he is one of the most involved husbands she has encountered in a long time. Up until he left, he had only missed ONE doctor's appointment!!! I would say he is PRETTY involved. He STILL is. He always asks about the baby and goes ABOVE and beyond to make sure I am comfortable and have everything I need, even though he is so far away. He is an amazing husband and REALLY stepped up his game to be a daddy.

- Jeff got me a new front loading washer and dryer! It is a Samsung. I like it. At first I was put off by it as there was a BIG learning curve, but it washes the clothes like a dream. My only complaints are, it does not wash out fabric softener very well because is uses such little water, I have been using vinegar to soften my is more natural and disinfects the clothes anyway. The dryer is LOUD! is louder then my old dryer. :-D It also takes a LONG time to do a load of laundry because it is high efficiancy so it uses less motion and less water...which equals SLOW.

- I still don't have any crazy cravings, but I do eat LOTS of fruits and veggies...I LOATHE cooking right now just because it is so hot, so I eat lots of wraps, fruit
salads and regular salads.

- The baby moves in SUCH a different way now. I can see her little elbows and knees..sometimes her feet will poke out. It is wild. She also moves around a lot less sporatically...but when she moves it is for LONG periods of time and usually in SO MANY different ways. Its not unusual for me to be laying down for a hour and she is in constant movement for that full hour.

-She loves music. I can put speakers to my belly and she trys her BEST to move as close to them as possible. I know it is frustrating for her though because she is so stinkin' BIG she cant move too much. LOL. Soft music calms her down A LOT. I am going to use it when she is born as it seems very affective NOW.

- At 32 weeks, she was measuring "small" according to the old school tape measure in the doctor's office so the doc scheduled an ultrasound...turns out she just seems like she is small because of how LONG my torso is and how curled up she is. She is actually in the 46 percentile in weight and the 60th percentile in length...well her legs anyway. So she is a long, skinny little chick...with BIG chubby cheeks, her mother's nose,beautiful, pouty lips, he father's feet and ears, and what looks like a little bit of fluffy hair....

- My heartburn is AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!! She had better come out with LOTS of hair. LOL.

- I am excited about meeting our baby girl and so is Jeff...I predict it will be VERY emotional for the both of us.

- I am glad our delivery experience is going to be very private for us. I have spoken with my doctor and it is going to be Me, Jeff, a birth coach, the doctor and two nurses in the room. That is it. You all have NO IDEA how much this calms my nerves.


1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this! Well, except the part about thinking people are whispering behind your back. I suspect 3rd trimester crazy emotions/paranoia, because I don't see how anyone could say anything about you that wasn't positive -- you've never been one to garner negative comments like that. Anyway, everything else just made me smile :) You're doing so amazingly well and I am very happy for you guys! PS: The day before I delivered my first, I tipped the scales at 177 pounds -- this is when my starting weight was 52 pounds less than that. Yep, I'm putting it RIGHT out there. I have no shame because it's normal! Believe it!
