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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily Lily - May 10, 2012

Lily is 21 months old now and SUPER busy!! The weather is nice, so, we go outside everyday to play. She needs it. I need it. With all of the packing and cleaning for the big move and with our house on the market, Jeff and I have been distracted, but,  Lily lets us know loud and clear when we have not been paying enough attention to her. So, instead of letting her throw tantrums or rip apart the house. I take a break and we go outside and play or go for a walk or go on an outing. 

At 21 months she is VERY aware of when Jeff and I leave. She is great in the church nursery and even fine when she visits preschool, but she misses us when we are "gone." Right now Jeff is on one of his trips and he is "gone." She ask about him first thing in the morning and at night before she goes to bed. She misses her dad. Luckily, we are able to video chat with him everyday.

With Jeff being away I am trying my best to keep Lily and I busy. Today we went to the Edventure Children's Museum. Let me first say....this place is AWESOME. I wish it was around when I was a kid, I would have loved it. Everything is on kid level, everything is interactive and they can touch and climb on EVERYTHING. Lily was in heaven. We went with her friend Christopher and his mom from her play group. (She has known him since they were 6 weeks old!) Here are some pictures from the day. She had a blast and is currently asleep on my lap as I type this. 

This HUGE character is Eddie. Children can actually climb inside of him and learn about parts of the body. Lily is in that big chair in front of him.

She thought it was so cool.
They had a fully stocked kid sized grocery store! Lily LOVED it. Shopping carts, play food and even a working scanner at the check out.

Next was the agriculture section where they learned all about farm animals and planting.

Inside a full scale Firetruck.

A car to explore.

Playing with the cars and trucks in the toddler area with Christopher.

Outside was an area where they could learn about water purification and waste water management. SHE. GOT. SOAKED!. Thank goodness I pack SEVERAL changes of clothes, socks and an extra set of shoes.

We did some other things, visited the gift shop, then left. Lily was tired and hungry. I stopped for lunch, but when I looked back she was like this. I guess she was worn completely OUT. Mission accomplished!

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