A week ago I found an activity on Pinterest. Pinterest an AMAZING website full of neat ideas and SUPER addictive too. Anyway, I found an activity for using dyed rice as a type of fun indoor sandbox type activity for toddlers.
To dye the rice you take plain white rice and put a few scoops into different ziplock bags.
Add a few teaspoons of white vinegar (I used two or three depending on the amount of rice in the bag), then add drops of food coloring. The more you add the more concentrated the colors. Seal the bag and rub the rice around to distribute the color. Pour onto parchment paper to dry overnight.
This is what it looked like after I poured it in an old chips and salsa bowl we had lying around.

I layed out a big blanket in the dining room and set Lily up with measuring cups, spoons, and bowls. I did not get many pictures at all because I was trying to keep the mess ON the blanket and Lily really wanted me to scoop and mix with her. Most of our activities here at home are like that....she wants me to do things WITH her, not sit back and snap pictures.
Here she is happy as a lark! She REALLY enjoyed this activity. We have done it before, with just PLAIN old white rice when she was younger and she did not seem too interested. That was when she was 9 or 10 months. Now at almost 16 months, she was able to pour and try to sort the rice into different sized cups.

Head on over the www.thehalsteadharold.blogspot.com to check out Lily's friend G. His mom tried the rice activity with him too!
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