With Jeff being gone, our little family is going through a hardship. I never knew how much Jeff helped....until he was gone. I have been struggling to find balance since he left. Things have gotten SOOOOO much easier though. I feel like Lily and I have found our groove in life and we just take everyday as it comes.
Usually when Jeff leaves, I take a couple of days to "grieve", I lay around in my PJs with the blinds drawn and just kind of sulk around until I get out of my funk. This time, I could not do that. I had doctor's appointments, mommy and me class, and a miriad of activities to keep me moving. Also, I have to get up every morning with the baby, that alone gets me going.
Anyway, here are some bullets about month 4 with a note from Lily at the end.
- I am FINALLY in the groove of being a mom. It is wonderful! It is amazing how I just "Know" my baby and can sense her needs....it is like being a psychic.
-Lily is GROWING, GROWING! Today at her 4 month check up, she is almost 13lbs and a little over 24 inches long! That puts her in the 36th percentile in weight and 80th percentile in height. Tall and skinny. She gets the tall from me and the skinny from Jeff. I am very proud of this because she has been exclusively breastfed from day ONE without a drop of formula supplement! WOOT!
- Her reflux is 98% better and she is off of medication. YAY! It turned out to be a lactation issue and a food sensitivity. So, I just have to be careful what I eat and HOW I feed her. It has been pretty easy and I am GLAD this whole reflux thing is behind us. The mornings are pretty rough because her tummy is empty and she is STILL a bit acidic, but once she eats a couple of times she is good.
- She is still sleeping well at night and mostly in her crib or the pack and play beside my bed. In the morning she is still in the bed with me...it is the only way she will go back to sleep and I don't mind at all.
- I am still very nervous about SIDs. I know her risk right now is VERY low, but I am still scared to death. I check her breathing often.
- We are exclusively cloth diapering. YAY! Day and night and even while we are out. It is hard sometimes when I am out and about, but it is getting easier. It never fails though, she messes up her clothes in a disposable diaper, I am just SICK of it. I have used less then 50 disposables since October.
- I am mildly obsessed with Lily wearing custom made clothes...either by me or by other people. I have DOZENS of patterns to work though.
- I can't wait until Jeff gets home so that we can be a family again. My soul ACHES for my husband.
AND NOW................ Time for the Daily LILY!!!!!!!
Today I had my 4 month check up...oh how I LOVE Dr. Grooms...but BOY do I hate that NURSE...Dr. Grooms talks in a soft voice, sings and lets me hold her stethoscope! Today she even had some bright colored toys for me to play with!
Then the rotten old nurse came in and ruined EVERYTHING by giving me a shot. Thank goodness it was only one and it was over before I knew it, mama gave me lots of cuddles afterwards...Shots and the medicine Mommy gives me after my shots makes me feel sleepy so I spent most of my day like this:

and this...
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