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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 30

Greetings! Today, Momma and I made some Christmas gifts using all kinds of fun stuff! My favorite part was the sponge was fun to chew on while Momma was cleaning up.

Here I am in my bouncy seat watching Baby Signing Time with my cuddle love...and my brush...Momma tried to take it away, but I let her know very loudly that it was MINE!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 29

Momma and I have not been feeling well. Momma has had a stomach virus and I have just been growing new teeth. We were feeling a little better today, except that it is COLD! Here I am with my giraffe, Berry in my swing while Momma was making herself some soup. My Papa Fauver got me Berry for my birth day and I just love him so...I love to chew on his bowtie. :-)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 27

Tonight, Mommy put me in the bumbo seat on the counter while she was doing dishes, I thought it was so cool, that I began to sing. Mama stopped what she was doing and grabbed the camera. I put on a real show for her then! Unfortunately the video won't upload, so here are some pics!

"Oh Baby I'm a rock STAR!"

She even gave me a mohawk!

So, momma downloaded a gadget so that I can see who visits me here on the Daily Lily! It is super cool, so I want to give a big shout out to the people of Georgia, Florida, UAE and even you Carson City, Nevada, whoever you are! Feel free to comment and ask questions anytime!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 26

My blog was not allowing mommy and I to upload pictures yesterday so we missed a Thanksgiving post! Oh well.....Happy Late Thanksgiving. Mommy and I did not make a big deal about it this year...what is Thanksgiving anyway?

I went to Nana and Papa's house today and when I got home this FABULOUS dress was waiting for me in the mail.

I look so stylish!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Momma Month 4 and the Daily Lily

So, tomorrow I have been a Mom for 4 months. It has been a roller coaster, but overall a HUGE blessing. Everyday this little life makes me smile, makes me want to cry, makes me want to scream, makes me thank God.

With Jeff being gone, our little family is going through a hardship. I never knew how much Jeff helped....until he was gone. I have been struggling to find balance since he left. Things have gotten SOOOOO much easier though. I feel like Lily and I have found our groove in life and we just take everyday as it comes.

Usually when Jeff leaves, I take a couple of days to "grieve", I lay around in my PJs with the blinds drawn and just kind of sulk around until I get out of my funk. This time, I could not do that. I had doctor's appointments, mommy and me class, and a miriad of activities to keep me moving. Also, I have to get up every morning with the baby, that alone gets me going.

Anyway, here are some bullets about month 4 with a note from Lily at the end.

- I am FINALLY in the groove of being a mom. It is wonderful! It is amazing how I just "Know" my baby and can sense her is like being a psychic.

-Lily is GROWING, GROWING! Today at her 4 month check up, she is almost 13lbs and a little over 24 inches long! That puts her in the 36th percentile in weight and 80th percentile in height. Tall and skinny. She gets the tall from me and the skinny from Jeff. I am very proud of this because she has been exclusively breastfed from day ONE without a drop of formula supplement! WOOT!

- Her reflux is 98% better and she is off of medication. YAY! It turned out to be a lactation issue and a food sensitivity. So, I just have to be careful what I eat and HOW I feed her. It has been pretty easy and I am GLAD this whole reflux thing is behind us. The mornings are pretty rough because her tummy is empty and she is STILL a bit acidic, but once she eats a couple of times she is good.

- She is still sleeping well at night and mostly in her crib or the pack and play beside my bed. In the morning she is still in the bed with is the only way she will go back to sleep and I don't mind at all.

- I am still very nervous about SIDs. I know her risk right now is VERY low, but I am still scared to death. I check her breathing often.

- We are exclusively cloth diapering. YAY! Day and night and even while we are out. It is hard sometimes when I am out and about, but it is getting easier. It never fails though, she messes up her clothes in a disposable diaper, I am just SICK of it. I have used less then 50 disposables since October.

- I am mildly obsessed with Lily wearing custom made clothes...either by me or by other people. I have DOZENS of patterns to work though.

- I can't wait until Jeff gets home so that we can be a family again. My soul ACHES for my husband.


AND NOW................ Time for the Daily LILY!!!!!!!

Today I had my 4 month check up...oh how I LOVE Dr. Grooms...but BOY do I hate that NURSE...Dr. Grooms talks in a soft voice, sings and lets me hold her stethoscope! Today she even had some bright colored toys for me to play with!

Then the rotten old nurse came in and ruined EVERYTHING by giving me a shot. Thank goodness it was only one and it was over before I knew it, mama gave me lots of cuddles afterwards...Shots and the medicine Mommy gives me after my shots makes me feel sleepy so I spent most of my day like this:


and this...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Daily Lily- Nov. 22

Today was a really laid back day for me. I watched Baby Signing Time in my recliner with my blanket...

Then I tested out me and mommy's new wrap, it's from a place called's not as warm as my Moby Wrap, but it was cozy enough for a nice long nap...

Today was a good day....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 21

Today was a very busy day for me....I visited with both sets of grandparents with very little naptime...This picture explains my attitude today.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 20th

Bathtime with Momma....

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... So warm and bubbly

*Yawn* just in time for bed....

So, lots of talk has been going around about Christmas and what do I want....well OF COURSE, I want lots of hugs and kisses and cuddles...but it you want to get me something nice and practical, I would like more Piper's Closet diapers....the OBV (organic bamboo velour) fitteds in OS (one size). You can buy the ones she has in stock or you can get her to make custom ones in LOTS of pretty colors! They fit me PERFECTLY and I never mess up my clothes or the my friends clothes when i am wearing them. Momma got a couple for me to test out, when the owner of the store was looking for babies to test her new design and they are just PERFECT!
Here is the website.

I also like board books and wooden toys. *giggles*

Friday, November 19, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov-19

Did you miss me?! Mommy and I needed a break yesterday, but we are back!

I got goodies in the mail today...
Mommy sent a nice lady in Texas some yarn and she made me some pants! they are soooooo soft and warm!

Mommy also signed me up to test out a new diaper design! This diaper is the best! it is purple tie dye color and made of organic bamboo velour. Soooo soft..

It's stylish too!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov.17

Wordless Wednesday.

Guess what I did today.....:-)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov.16th

Look at the cute jammies Auntie Chantay got me!!! They're so warm...and cozy....

And...because Mommy was slack with the pictures tonight, here is an old picture of me...Mama keeps saying I have grown SOOOOOOO much, but I feel the same...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 15

WHEW! Today was a busy day!!! Momma and Auntie Chantay were SOOO busy. We were out and about all day long, Auntie Chantay even brought me more fabulous,stylish sleep sacks..I will model them for you another day.

When we got home, mama put me straight in the tub and it was WONDERFUL!

Then she put me in cozy jammies...

Then I got REALLY mad at Mommy because she was taking pictures.

But I forgave her...she held me in her arms, snuggled in nice and close and I was fast asleep within minutes.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 14th

Today I am 100 days old!

Time sure does fly by! It seems like just yesterday I was living in Mommy tummy!

Look at how much I've grown since mama took this picture! That prefold diaper I was laying on now fits on my hiney!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 13

GUESS WHAT I DID TODAY! I went to the airport today with Mama to pick up a very special person....

Aunt-Tee Chantay is here to visit me!! YAY!!! We are going to have so much fun! She has already given me lots of extra love. I love her so much.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Daily Lily- Nov. 12th

Hello. :-) Not much to say today...Mommy and I have been busy and lazy all at the same time. I have gotten lots of cuddles and spent lots of time in my swing, my bouncy seat and my pack 'n play today while Momma did random things around the house.

I would like for you to take a long look at the fabulous outfit I am wearing. It is called a "sleep sack" it is the most amazing garment EVER, it is roomy, warm and quite stylish. I own two...that I know of, but this one is my favorite because it is fleece, the other one is organic cotton and so buttery soft, i feel like I am sleeping inside a cloud. I would love to wear these all the time, but mama insist on putting me in clothes...If you are out and about in your shopping this holiday season and you see one of these LOVELY garments, take a look, think of me and smile. :-)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 11

You are probably wondering why I am dressed so fabulously right now...I mean, I am always quite stylish, but as you can clearly see, I am wearing an extra special outfit today...Well, there are LOTS of things to celebrate you see...

First of all today is Veterans's Day! I am so proud of my Daddy..he is a soldier and even though he is far away, I know that everything he does, is because he loves me, mama and his country. Happy Veteran Day!

Daddy's birthday is tomorrow! When he reads this it will be "tomorrow" where he is! Although,Daddy is not here,mommy and I are still celebrating celebrating! Do you like my fun party hat?

Here is a video of My Mama and I singing Happy Birthday to Daddy...I LIKE this song...

OH...and I just learned how to stick out my toungue! It is a fun new trick! I told you there was a lot to celebrate!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 10

Today...I was VERY HAPPY..

When I was awake...teehee...I MIGHT be going through a growth spurt because all i wanted to do was eat an sleep today.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daily Lily - Nov. 9th...A day in cloth

So...Mama has been putting me in cozy cloth diapers day and night for three days straight...she usually only cloth diapers me during the day but she has started putting cloth diapers on me around the clock now...I am pretty happy with all of the pretty prints and soft fabric.
Mama was kind of busy today so she did not get pictures of ALL of my diapers...but she got most of them...especially the cute ones. :-)

So...This is not my first diaper of the day, it is my 2nd, but this is the first one after my bath this morning. Pears!

All of my diapers were put under these beautiful wool pants today. I love this outfit!

Heavy duty diaper for naptime..

Under this wool cover...I got my legs out because I was taking my nap this afternoon while mama did some chores around the house...and I needed to snuggled with my mama today...

Nappin' on Mommy's back..

Awake and in a pinned fresh white prefold...(mama was in a pinning mood after nap..)


Last diaper change before my big boring night night diaper...Pretty hearts!

And just because I am cute...GOOD NIGHT!