To be fair, I really have not been taking many pictures.
No, really, I have been taking crappy cellphone pictures and have completely spaced out on taking real photos with my very REAL camera.
In any case lots has gone on! Lily completed her first year of preschool, YAY! She improved in every area and is looking forward to the 3 year old room next year at the same school. I couldn't be more proud of her. She is in gymnastics once a week and TODAY started swim lessons at the local athletic club. Lessons are in Japanese and English, I don't even get in the pool with her. I'm a bit nervous, but she did great today.

First day of gymnastics.
First day of Swim
Last day of school with her teachers
So, Lily Grace turned 3 on the 24th of the month and actually started celebrating when we went back to the states to visit. Not only did she get spoiled rotten by our family, but she got to go to Disney World for 4 days! She is STILL talking about meeting Cinderella and Mickey.
For her actual birthday Jeff and I took her out to eat, then for ice cream, then home to open a few gifts from us. On the following Saturday she had a Cinderella themed beach party with all of her little friends. She had a BLAST and got a pretty good tan in the process.
Here are some photos of the last month.

Our Pretty Princess on the day of her party.
Flying the kite she got for her birthday.
Lily Grace - Age 3
Likes: Painting, gymnastics, the beach and dress up.
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite Movies: Cindrella and Monster's Inc
Wants to be a Super Hero when she grows up.
She's funny, sassy, sweet, a little bit rude sometimes, full of energy, love and joy. She's our pride and joy, the apple of our eye, and a true blessing.
She shines like the brightest star and we love her so much.
Lily Grace - Age 3
Likes: Painting, gymnastics, the beach and dress up.
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite Movies: Cindrella and Monster's Inc
Wants to be a Super Hero when she grows up.
She's funny, sassy, sweet, a little bit rude sometimes, full of energy, love and joy. She's our pride and joy, the apple of our eye, and a true blessing.
She shines like the brightest star and we love her so much.