So, my birthday was on the 11th. It was really different this year for me. Usually I am really excited the entire week of my birthday and DEMAND to be treated like a queen, but this year, I could have cared less....Jeff is out of the country on one of his many world tour trips for work and it has just been me and the dogs.
I have been trying to stay busy, doing my normal routine, and then trying to get out more walking and doing yoga...
This last doctor's appointment for the baby I talk to the doc about being a little depressed. It was kind of hard to talk about because I am trying to be strong and just deal with the hormonal roller coaster, the out of no where weight gain, and just not being able to do the normal things I am use to doing without having to stop and take a break or go to the bathroom :-/. I am kind of a high strung person, but being pregnant has REALLY slowed me down. I just don't have as much energy. Jeff was at this appointment before he left and told the doctor that I cried a lot...which I do...I cry if I am happy, sad, if a commercial is really sweet, for NO REASON WHAT SO EVER...I just cry....of course all of this is completely normal and comes with being pregnant, but it is not normal for ME. I don't usually cry so much so it is a little different.
Anyway, enough about that. The babies progress has been GREAT. This time he/she was still enough so we could hear the heartbeat on the doppler :-) and I feel him/her kicking all the time now. It was flutters at first, kind of felt like a cross between a lizard under my skin and gas bubbles, but now I know his/her pronounced little movements. It is so amazing. I cannot wait until they are strong enough for Jeff to feel. I am hoping that by the time he gets back he can feel it, but I don't know. I have pretty much been progressing in a textbook way so I will be 20 weeks when he gets home.....
In March we find out the SEX of the baby!!!! I CANNOT WAIT....stay tuned....
I leave you with a picture of some onesies Jeff picked up overseas....he sent me a picture of them. I kind of sent him on a mission to get as much foreign baby stuff as possible. :-D
