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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

14 weeks

So things have been going pretty well. I have faced some adversity these past few days, but I am plowing through it.
We have decided to do things a little different as far as raising our child. Jeff and I have had a LOT of time to talk about it and we agree on the way we are choosing to raise our child.
I am almost 26 and Jeff is 27, a lot of our peers ALREADY have children.....we are both the youngest child in our family so all of our siblings have children and we have both seen things we LOVE and things we don't love about the practices of our peers and family.
Jeff and I have decided to take a more organic approach to parenting. I know, folks think that because this is our first child we are inexperienced and just want to try all the newest trends in parenting, but the truth is, we are turning the clocks back a little bit. We are cloth diapering, I am breastfeeding for as long as it benefits my baby, we are doing some of the practices of attachment parenting, but mostly taking cues from our baby and our babies needs. When the child starts solid foods we will be doing as organic as we can afford or just good HEALTHY meals. We are going to try to steer clear of harsh chemicals and dyes in the child's food. NO FAST FOOD....maybe as a treat while on vacation, or on a rare occasion, but Jeff and I definately want to build a SOLID eating foundation for our child before we introduce salty, fatty, fast food that comes with a toy.
When I say SOLID foundation I mean, I want to introduce our child to as many fruits and veggies and home cooked meats as we can. I will admit, fast food taste GOOD. It is seasoned in such a way to draw people in. I just don't want my child REFUSING to eat at home because he/she wants junky fast food for every meal. Another reason I want to do this is a slightly selfish reason, but a reason non the less.....I love to cook. Right now I cook about 4 to 5 times a week for Jeff and I. I think my food taste GOOD and I am always trying healthy recipies and alternatives to otherwise UNHEALTHY comfort food favorites.
When I tell people about these ideas Jeff and I have, they automatically get if I am saying their parenting style is WRONG or as if I am saying I am better then them for choosing this style of parenting....I of course am not saying this AT ALL!!!! I always just say..."I think i am going try to do this...." Or "Jeff and I have decided to do this..." I try my BEST to not come off as snobby or condecending......I think a lot of the adversity comes from folks who actually feel a little guilty about what they are doing or how they are raising their children, I can't help that. This is my FIRST baby, I am in NO position to tell ANYONE how to raise their child or things they may want to try.

Anyway, to end this blog on a happy note. Me and the baby are doing well. The sickness has let up and I have started nesting a little....IE: Manic cleaning. hahaha. Jeff is amused.


Monday, January 4, 2010

11 weeks going into 12 weeks

Well I am 11 weeks and 4 days today. Thursday marks the 12 week milestone. Done with one I have to admit that I am a little scared. I have not been sick this past week, except Saturday, my reflux/heartburn was OUT OF CONTROL and I was pretty much miserable most of the day. I have to admit, being sick is the only way I know that I am pregnant right now since I cannot feel the baby yet. It is all a little overwhelming.
I am SO glad to be relieved of the CONSTANT vomiting, but SO scared all at the same time....There will be this next couple of weeks of NOT KNOWING what is going on with my baby. Today I weighed myself and had another small freak out....I have lost 4 lbs. :-/
I know they say you should'nt weigh yourself, but I FELT lighter this morning for some reason and wanted to check it out....maybe it is because I have not been as constipated as I was in the beginning...I know TMI, but if you can't handle details, then you probably should not be reading this blog....Anyway, I immediately began thinking about the baby and wondering if he/she was ok in there, I have been getting cramps, which I know is just Round Ligament pain, but you as some of you know, the Pregnant brain immediately thinks the worse...OY!
Tomorrow is my next doctor's appointment and hopefully she will put my crazy mind at ease...until then....
