So last time I blogged I was on my way to St. Thomas.....
Well, we went and had an AMAZING was just out of this world beautiful. I look forward to going back! We had a great time. No Drama, no arguing, no set schedule for ANYTHING, just swimming in the ocean and enjoying life....
So, no one knew Jeff and I have been trying to have a baby.....YEP, the couple who vowed to NEVER have children FOOLED YOU ALL!!!!! If you have been listening closely and following our lives, you would have known though....we have tried to adopt relative's children before...offered to keep people's kids for a long while and even made side comments like, "we won't do that with our kids...." You just had to listen to the clues... I have had some troubles in the past trying to get pregnant and have had a miscarriage and a couple of surgeries on my reproductive parts...we have kept this all private though. We are VERY private people after all. So when Jeff got back from the desert we decided to geuninely start trying to have a baby, I mean really focus on it.....Low and behold.. we brought back a something a little "extra" from St. Thomas. I guess the timing was just right because a few weeks after our trip I found out I was pregnant!!! We are both SO EXCITED.
The truth about pregnancy was a SLAP in the face though. I have never felt so OUT OF CONTROL in my life. Out of control of my body, out of control of my babies life, out of control of my is just an complete outer body experience. Really strange. I have been pretty sick. I am 11 weeks now and it is JUST easing up. The mornings are still pretty rough though.
I have been so sick, that I was in the emergency room one night with an IV in my arm from SEVERE severe I was blacking out......and my doctor put me on TWO strong anti-nausea medications....both of which worked great...when I could keep them down. :-/
Things are SO SO Much better now and this last ultrasound the mystery of my sickness was revealed...I was actually pregnant with TWINS....except one did not make it past 6 weeks. :-( it never even really developed so the ultrasound showed an emtpy sac with a yolk....Jeff and I were DEVASTATED....after all, it has been hard to concieve ONE child, what a blessing it would have been to be able to have two at once. We are not sure if we will be able to have another.....but we sure are happy we have this ONE healthy, striving child....that is for sure.
Here is what he/she looks like at 10 weeks....we are currently calling it Nibbler...because I found out I was pregnant around Thanksgiving and I was only able to eat nibbles of food at a time....
I am going to try to blog a little more now that I have stuff to say.....and interesting things going on in my life. This blog will probably become more devoted to my discovering how to be a Mom because let's face it, I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I AM GETTING MYSELF INTO....NO IDEA....I just know that Jeff and I will do our best and will love this baby with every fiber of our beings....